Hands that Speak

Manos que Hablan

Voices From the Upper Valley Dairy Farms.

Voces de las Granjas Lecheras del Upper Valley

María Clara De Greiff, Colombian-Mexican journalist and communicator, now a Spanish professor at Dartmouth College and co-founder of FUERZA Farmworkers’ Fund, gave herself over to the work of traversing the farms of the Upper Valley. There, hundreds of men and women from Mexico and Central America work tirelessly, contributing to the economic growth of the state of Vermont and that of the United States.

Hands that Speak contains the testimonies of those who, day by day, give their souls out of love for their families, proud and responsible Mexican men and women who remind us of a pending debt: that we cannot allow great men and women to flee their homeland because there aren’t sufficient conditions for a life with dignity.

Yolanda Gudiño Cicero

María Clara de Greiff Lara, comunicadora y periodista colombo-mexicana, ahora profesora de español en Dartmouth College y cofundadora de FUERZA Farmworkers’ Fund, se dio a la tarea de recorrer las granjas lecheras del Upper Valley, donde cientos de hombres y mujeres de México y Centroamérica trabajan incansablemente, contribuyendo al crecimiento económico del Estado de Vermont y de Estados Unidos.

Manos que Hablan contiene los testimonios de quienes día a día entregan el alma por amor a sus familias. Mexicanos y mexicanas orgullosos y responsables que nos recuerdan la deuda pendiente, no podemos permitir que los mejores hombres y mujeres huyan, porque no hay condiciones suficientes para la vida digna en sus tierras.

Yolanda Gudiño Cicero

Photographic exhibition by Jorge Carlos Álvarez.

If you would like to learn more about FUERZA Farmworkers’ Fund, you can contact us at fuerzafund@gmail.com or follow us on Instagram @fuerza_farmworkers_fund.

Donations are appreciated and can be done via Venmo @Fuerzafarmworkersfund or Pay-pal: fuerzafund@gmail.com